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Thinking about becoming  a  TBA member?

You'll find a warm, caring congregational family at Temple Beth Am. From the moment you enter the Temple you'll be greeted by friends. Temple Beth Am's multi-generational family is led by Rabbi Alon Levkovitz,  and Cantorial Soloist Marcy Morris.

We are a community, a family that inspires, connects and supports each other. Through a commitment to engagement and purpose, we encourage all members to pursue pathways to action, volunteerism and spirituality. Whether it is baking Hamentashen for the Purim Carnival or visiting a senior member in the hospital, we are here to carry out the Jewish value of Tzedakah - charity, kindness and good deeds. We call this pathway to action KULANU, Together.

We offer a full calendar of egalitarian spiritual worship, friendship and activities. The Temple's numerous groups provide year-round programs for the entire family. With our busy auxiliaries like the Men's Club, Sisterhood, Youth Groups, Choir, Mah Jongg, and Social Action there is a place for everyone at Temple Beth Am.

Young families participate in our Mishpacha/Family Center programs for babies and toddlers. Families can enroll their young children, ages 18 months to five years, in The One School, our acclaimed  school and camp. Temple members receive priority registration opportunities and rates. Families can enjoy age appropriate Shabbat and holiday programs.

HaMakom which means "The Place" is our education department consisting of Religious School, JAMTYU and Youth Group. An innovative Religious School is available for children in grades K-8 along with JAMTYU, a program for high school students.  We are extremely proud of the creative programming and curriculum that has developed over the years. Through individual learning through Skype, stories, songs, drama, art, technology and field trips, children learn about and rejoice in our Jewish heritage, and make long-lasting friendships. Youth Group membership is included with Religious School.  Children are prepared for their Bar/Bar Mitzvah and to be part of the Jewish community.

Education continues with Adult Learning Programs.  This includes Adult Learning series, book discussions, speakers and weekly "Lunch & Learn" sessions.  Adults also enjoy social gatherings such as progressive dinner parties, field trips and movies.

Temple Affiliation and Membership are not based on the ability to pay. We are committed to removing financial obstacles from becoming a member at Temple Beth Am and therefore, we have removed the old mandatory dues structure. Instead we ask for a Voluntary Financial Commitment. You and your family decide what your contribution will be based on your personal financial capacity. We have established a Sustaining contribution amount - for some this amount might be beyond their means. For others, it may be a starting point.

We hope you'll decide to be part of our community.  We want to share your simchas (joys) and be there in times of need, that's KULANU, together.

"As my fathers planted before me before I was born, so do I plant for those who come after me" - Talmud T'aanit 23A. 

Please contact  Danna Cohen, Executive Director, at 561.747.1109 or email her at to learn more.

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785