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Jewish Lifecycle

Special moments in our lives also bring us together. We mark simchas (joyous occasions), and offer support and encouragement in times of sorrow. As we mark weeks, years, and milestones together, life becomes sweeter with a warm, sharing community.

Welcoming A New Baby

Jewish babies are welcomed into the world in a few ways, usually including a Brit Milah  for boys and a naming ceremony for boys and girls.

Brit Milah    (or   Bris in Yiddish), is the ritual circumcision of a Jewish infant on the eigth day following his birth.  Some parents choose to have the circumcision in the hospital and the naming ceremony on the eighth day in their home or at a later date in the synagogue.

Babies  are welcomed into the covenant with a naming ceremony that can also be held on the eighth day or on another date, usually during the first year of life. Those ceremonies take place at home or in the synagogue.

Please contact us with any questions and to ask our clergy to participate with you at this important first step in your Jewish child’s life. If you have any questions about the role of this ritual in the life of your child, please call us at 561.747.1109 or  email us.

Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is an exciting time in the lives of our members and the life of our community. When our students become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they are, in essence, saying that they are ready to take on the responsibilities of being a knowledgeable, responsible Jew. They are invited to lead the service, chant from the Torah and the Haftarah (the prophetic reading), and write and deliver a D’var Torah, a teaching from their Torah portion. This is truly a moment to celebrate.

Choosing to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is not just for adolescents, but for all adults at Temple Beth Am. Just last year, we had a class of adults become B'nei Mitzvah together.  If you have questions regarding Bar/Bat Mitzvah services at Temple Beth Am, please call Danna Cohen at 561.747.1109 send her an email.

For Bar/Bat Mitzah resources, click here.


“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” (Song of Songs)

We are an inclusive congregation. Our clergy participate in weddings for couples who want to create a Jewish home, including those in interfaith partnerships. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment with Rabbi Alon  to discuss your wedding ceremony, please call our executive administrative assistant, Margot Hauser at 561.747.1109 or

When a Loved One Dies

Temple Beth Am clergy and staff provide support and care for end-of-life issues. We help our families with the Jewish priorities of caring and comforting for those near the end of life, honoring our dearly departed loved ones and helping mourners commemorate our losses and cope in their wake. 

In regard to cemetery plots, Temple Beth Am works with  Star of David Cemetery. If you would like to purchase a plot in our section of the cemetery, please contact Paula Butger at 561.627.2277 or

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785