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Learning to Value Diversity: We believe that an optimal learning environment is one that values differences in people both individually and culturally. Our curriculum is non-sexist, non-racist, and non-stereo-typing. We maintain a steadfast commitment to reflect diversity in our curriculum materials, activities and actions; an approach known in early education as anti-bias curriculum. 

Inclusion: The One School supports the rights of all children regardless of their diverse abilities to participate in our early childhood program. The professional staff believes in and supports full and successful access to health, social service, education and other supports and services for children and their families. The primary goal of this school is to meet the needs of all families within our community.  The One School will continue to develop in-service in our continuing efforts to prepare our staff to work within inclusive settings. 

Special needs:  When program staff suspects that a child has a developmental delay or any other special need(s), this possibility is communicated to families in a sensitive, supportive and confidential manner. Staff will provide parents with documentation, an explanation of the concern, suggested next step(s) and information about sources for any necessary assessment(s). The Director is available to sit-in on conversations or conferences involving a child with special needs. When a child has an outside specialist who has developed an IFSP, IEP or other individualized plan, our staff will work with families to address those needs and implement if possible, the recommendations of the professional involved. Outside consultants must be approved by the Director before working with a child in a classroom setting. Any payment or compensation to any outside consultant for these services is the responsibility of the parent. 

Professional Consulting Support: The emotional and developmental health of our children is as important to us as their physical health. For that reason we have arrangements with local professionals who will work with our teachers and administration to enhance the educational experience we provide for the children. These professionals usually will not work with individual children, but rather will be available to consult with staff as needed, and will occasionally spend observation time in classrooms. No child will ever be observed on an individual basis without prior written consent of the parent. 

Confidentiality: Confidentiality is an essential characteristic of a positive learning environment. Confidentiality is extremely important in our School because it permits our students to be treated without stigma, retaliation, disapproval or damage in other relationships. Our school is open to parents. This creates situations where there is a possibility that individuals not directly connected to a child or classroom may know private information about a child or classroom. When parents, staff or others connected to the preschool wrongfully disclose private information to others, this can raise doubts about the school’s integrity and ultimately, the safety of our children to be treated in an equitable manner. It is our policy that private information about a child, parent, staff member, classroom procedure or school situation is confidential and privileged. It may not be shared without the parent’s consent. This means that if this information is shared with others it will be considered a breach of confidentiality. If this occurs, the Director will speak to the person(s) who have violated the confidence. A determination will be made about correcting the violation of confidentially and may include but is not limited to, an oral or written apology, or other action deemed appropriate to prevent it from occurring again. If there is a repeat violation of this policy by any individual, the Director may restrict or terminate the individual’s relationship with the school. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784